Sunday, May 20, 2007

How time flies

I didn't realize I hadn't posted since Wednesday. WTF? I don't know what happened. Literally. I can't remember what happened in the days since then. Well, except for yesterday when Kerry's family was in town, and I got schooled at tennis, and then did a ride.

The long and short of it all is that I realized that 1) hill repeats are the bomb diggity, but I think I mentioned this already. 2) I suck at tennis. 3) Getting drunk/almost drunk and really, really, reeeeeaally full on meatloaf turns out to be a bad feeling for most of the rest of the night and the next morning. 4) When you see someone on the bus who you know, but don't have their number, it makes for an interesting wave-and-watch-them-drive-away moment.

In the off chance that you read this, hi Lizzy.

Ed. Note: I totally forgot to mention that on my drive downtown for a meeting on Friday, I saw a gal on a Masi fixie. It made me sad that I was stuck in a car, going to a meeting all dressed up in work clothes. Lame. We should all just bike, camp and drink all day, every day.

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