Monday, July 16, 2007

Coffee / Kickball

Nicklee and I like to joke about coffee, and wax poetic about it. I think it's largely that we're both just addicted to it, but you know, why not elevate something that you can't stop drinking? I just took a sip and it hit me how earthy good coffee is. You can taste the soil and flavor of the plants that it's from. For a staple of the industrial revolution, and now a staple of the office world, it's amazing how much it contrasts with our stark, cube-land environment.

This weekend Teri and Steve threw Kerry and I a couple's shower, which proved to be a lot of fun. We played kickball in the park down the street from their house, and then drank ourselves silly and ate lots of good food back at their place. A huge thanks to them for being so gracious and hosting everything, as well as doing all the organizing and cooking. It was a great time. Photos are up on my photo site.

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