Friday, June 15, 2007

One Hour

In the course of the last hour I:

1. Drove to Minneapolis
2. Picked up wedding invites
3. Picked up stamps
4. Returned to Edina
5. Was informed that extranet post/login info was not working
6. Repacked files
7. Shipped off files
8. Answered some questions about our intranet
9. Sat down
10. Wrote this.

I can't wait until things chill out, and there isn't the constant feeling of panic that something might be going unattended. The heat in particular makes me feel this way. It's such perfect weather to step back and take it slow. Someday soon I want to build up a nice cruiser so I can make use of all the free time that will miraculously befall me. There's something elegant in the simplicity of a 3 or 7 speed bike, built up on a steel frame. Put on some nice mustache bars, a Brooks saddle and endless hours of enjoying the scenery would await. Someday soon—as with everything, the craziness can't last forever.

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