Wednesday, April 25, 2007

All up in my grill

For better or worse, I got to head out of work early today. The timing couldn't have been better, since I felt a weird combination of tired, and just kind of crappy (from being tired). I had to get a crown put on one of my molars, so, given that I worked 3 hours last night, I figured it was ok to roll out 30 minutes earlier than I absolutely had to.

An hour later I was choosing the appropriate style of bling that would be embedded in my mouth. I decided against the diamond-tipped carbide tooth for a more, how does one say, classy look. I'm getsin' me a gold tooth! My net worth just went up a few bucks. Awesome.

I figured the best way to ward off any jaw pain would be to get a ride in. I saw/passed/chatted with a crap-ton of Birchwood riders. Hello random Birchwood girl that I didn't say hi to. Sorry about that, I'm not real good talking and riding at the same time.

All in all, not too shabby for a quick loop up the river. 19 miles. 1 hour and 5 minutes. Damn all the lights on Summit tryin' to keep me down. I feel like I'm slowly getting better, but I still can't climb to save my life. Next week I call hill repeats :\

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