Monday, April 16, 2007

And so... seems spring is finally upon us. With the great weather came several rides over the weekend. Most were squeezed in between family time, since Kerry's mom and stepdad came up to visit. But, all things considered I managed to get in two decent rides. Certainly not the longest ever, but not too shabby.

I would post specific figures about speed, etc, but my computer crapped out on me Friday night, so I can only report mileage. Saturday was a 19 miler, and included a trip up the Grand Ave hill (admittedly not the biggest thing ever, but it took a lot of will power to add that in at the end of the ride). Sunday was 23 miles, and included the High Bridge and a trip back up the river to the U of M and back down to Summit. Saw lots of other riders, got stuck beind a driver smoking berry-scented tobacco, which almost made me puke a couple times, and had a nice little sprint at the end. Not too shabby.

I'm debating if today should be a rest day or not. My legs are still sore from yesterday’s climbs, but I really want to get out and enjoy the day. We'll see I guess.

Total mileage for the weekend (Including Friday night): 56 :\

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