Saturday, April 7, 2007


I know everyone and their brother is writing about how crappy this spring is turning out to be, but that's no reason I can't as well. The cold itself, although mentally painful (and on occasion physically painful too), isn't too bad, it's the wind! There's been a steady 15-20 mph wind blowing for the last 4 days. Combine that with my lack of any sort of serious winter riding gear, and I'm stuck here at home watching Law and Order and wondering if the immigrant Kenyan did it or not.

Yesterday the office closed early since so many people were out for “spring” break (yes, I'm not afraid to bust out the quotes on this one). Rather than heading home right away, I decided to drive the route that I had been plotting out on gmap-pedometer, that was based in part on Steven's route. Most of the route looked like it'd be a nice ride, with the exception of a few areas along Highway 13 that weren't impassible, simply ugly. The best part is that I realized I could have a nice 40 mile loop with a stop at my parent's and a good stretch of riding that would take me back into my old Rosemount haunts. Yusssss! Not that I don't like MSP, but there's a part of me that's been itching to get out of the city for a while now.

Now, if it would only get a little warmer with a little less rain/ice/snow, I'd be golden. I guess there's a reason they say patience is a virtue :\

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