Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Cold, Evil Drivers, and Icons Galore

Went out for a 25 mile ride tonight. I'm realizing, since I've been riding earlier this year than most, that my lungs really don't do well in cool, dry air. It sounds weird, especially since those conditions are great to be in otherwise, but my legs and lungs really like hot, muggy days. I felt weak through most of the ride, and my legs are paying for it now. Gotta put in more miles? Maybe?

On my way up the river a woman decided not to move over AT ALL and passed within a few inches of my handle bar. I got her plates, but I'm not sure how much good that will do. Anyone know of any reasonable (and legal) thing to do?

Since my ride, aside from a few minutes chilling with Kerry, I've been working on these God-forsaken icons that have been the bane of my existence for the last week. We decided to present a "3d" direction, which is interesting since none of us really have any heavy 3d capabilities. I resorted to the tried and true Illustrator to Photoshop trace/shade direction. To my surprise they came out really well, and I'm kind of hoping the client buys into these.

For some reason whenever I stay up late and work on projects I inevitably end up listening to Africa by Toto. I don't even know how I ever got it. Definitely a hold-over from mass downloading in college when Napster was still free, and we had phat ethernet lines. I definitely don't get this song, but it's pretty funny. Is Toto from South Africa? That would make this song make sense.

There's one good line though, that seems fitting right about now ... "hurry boy, she's waiting there for you". Good call. I'm out.

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